Role of a Caregiver – Everlasting Memories

The individual may be required to look after the necessities of their daily life, along with emotional and medical issues. Your loved one’s needs determine how much involvement. These needs are broadly classified in the following manner:

Aiding your loved ones in dressing up, toileting and taking care of household chores, including grocery shopping, and chores.
It is important that you ensure your loved one gets exercise, eats healthy meals and is taking their medications on time.
Being there for your senior loved one , offering assistance and being there for them. Seniors and their families can join support groups in the community.
Encourage your loved ones to keep up their practice of religious beliefs.
Managing daily expenses, insurance, assets, and managing finances for his/her future.
Start early conversations on concerns about care needs, and arrange with your loved ones should be unable to communicate. The first step is to create an Advance Care Plan and Lasting Power of Attorney. Get more information on Advanced Planning and Legal Tools.

Caregivers are so important to those who need assistance. qjs1lgus46.


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