How to Make Your Home Energy Efficient for Winter – Home Efficiency Tips

To maximize your energy efficiency when it is cold, make sure you open the curtains as well as other drapes. This allows light into your home. Radiant sun heat can help warm your house, so your heating system can do an easier job of keeping your home warm.

Radiant sunshine can keep energy costs down. Remember to shut the windows at night. You don’t want to let cold air into the home.

You might want to consider installing a smart Thermostat

Smart thermostats enable you to take more control of the heating and cooling systems. You can easily program these thermostats to suit your needs. The majority of people decrease the thermostats while they’re not home. If your thermostat has been set to 72° during the time you’re at home the temperature can be lowered to 65° while absent.

Many smart thermostats let the user to regulate their thermostat anywhere with your phone. If you turn down the temperature during the hours, you will not be in your home, but you are able to raise the heat an hour before you return home on your smartphone. It is estimated that the Department of Energy estimates that lower the thermostat by to 10 degrees when you’re at home will save you around 10% on your energy bills each month. Every little bit can be a big difference.

Storm doors are put in place

One of the answers to how you can make your home eco-friendly for winter is to install storm doors on each entrance door. Storm doors can keep frigid air from entering your house. These doors will add an insulation layer over your doors to the entryway and improve your home’s efficient in terms of energy use.

Storm doors can be added to your entrance points for a way to build a barrier between your home, the frigid outside air, as well as your property. Storm doors are not only an energy efficient option as they will also boost the worth of your home.



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